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This page contains themes that can be downloaded to change the fonts and colors that Anvil uses. Use them by downloading one, renaming it to style.js, copying it to the Anvil configuration directory, and loading it in Anvil by executing the command LoadStyle, or by restarting Anvil.


A reproduction of the color scheme for the Acme editor. This was created for Anvil by Priv.

This theme uses two of the font styles of the Go fonts, which are close to the original default font used by Acme in Plan 9: Go Regular and Go Mono. The Go fonts can be downloaded here. They must be installed on the system to use this theme, or downloaded and referenced by the full file path from the style file. Alternately, you can instead download the version that uses the default fonts.

Download Style Using Go Fonts
Download Style Using Default Fonts

Acme Theme Screenshot


This is a light theme.

Light uses two of the font styles from the Input font by David Jonathan Ross: Input Sans Regular, and Input Sans Mono. They can be downloaded for personal use here. They must be installed on the system to use this theme, or downloaded and referenced by the full file path from the style file. Alternately, you can instead download the version that uses the default fonts.

Download Download Style Using Input Fonts
Download Style Using Default Fonts

Light Theme Screenshot

Solarized Dark

Solarized Dark theme for Anvil. This was created for Anvil by Arsonist545 λ.


Solarized Dark Theme Screenshot